Understand your HiSET Score Report

With Doctor GED

HiSET Score Report

Everything you need to know!

The scoring for the HiSET is simplistic. Every question gives one point, which is added to your score with every right answer. Each multiple-choice section gains you a maximum of 20 points, while the essay portion of the test nets only six points total. Your essays will be graded by humans rather than through automated programming, usually by a team of professionals.

A passing grade qualifies as a minimum of 45 cumulative points on the multiple-choice portion (with a minimum of eight points for each subsection) and two points for the essay portion. You can see your scores between six and ten days for the test’s essay portion and three and five business days after completing the multiple-choice sections. Your HiSET scores are accessible through your account on the test’s official website, meaning you must log in to see them. When you receive your HiSET scores, you will find a pair of sets with different meanings.

Your Comprehensive Score Report

When you view your HiSET scores, you will see your Comprehensive Score Report first and foremost. This report lists only the best scores you’ve received on each section of the HiSET and synchronizes with any retakes you do. This score will generally be what you request to be sent off to your institution of choice. The Comprehensive Score Report will let you know whether you did well on the HiSET and the number of sections you have completed to date.

Your Individual Test Report

The Individual Test Report is the secondary part of the HiSET’s scoring and is generally much more informative about your skills. When you look at this section, you will find your scores for each section of the test and a full report accompanying the score. These reports will tell you whether you have passed that particular section and what this means concerning how prepared you are for the workplace or higher education.

Contact Dr. Donnelly today

Call Dr. Donnelly Today!

For Private HiSET lessons

AP Calculus, AP Physics, AP Chemistry

Dr. Donnelly can teach you the correct approach for each type of question that will appear on the HiSET, the GED or TASC tests. This will significantly increase your chances of getting the required score to attend the school of your choice.

Private HiSET tutoring with Dr. Donnelly is available online via Zoom or in person at his San Diego-based office or his Manhattan-based office in New York City (depending upon the time of year).

Dr. Donnelly is very proud that every one of his HiSET students has passed the HiSET exam on their first attempt! We are confident that he can do the same for you.

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"Dr. Donnelly is a wonderful teacher. He is quick to pinpoint weaknesses and, in many cases, turn them into strengths. He always has a structured lesson plan and pertinent homework assignments and puts aside time in the lesson to go over "trouble problems" from the previous lesson. I highly recommend taking a prep course with him. His patience, humor, and kindheartedness makes an otherwise uncomfortable standardized test almost enjoyable."

Mia P., Manhattan, New York.

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"Dr. Donnelly tutored my son. My son learned a few steps to help him solve the problems faster and correctly. Every lesson helped my son feel confident. My son constantly talks about how Dr. Donnelly has taught him skills that he is able to use in his classes at school. Dr. Donnelly was also very good at being able to work around a person's schedule. I highly recommend him, he is a great tutor. Thank you Dr. Donnelly!"

Tania L., Bronx, New York

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"Dr. Donnelly has a real knack for explaining topics in plain English and for making them come alive with real-life examples. I would encourage anyone who needs to get up to speed in their preparation for studies to give Dr. Donnelly a call. You won't regret it!"

Mike H., Greenwich, CT.

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Learn more about the HiSET

And how to Improve your score

Click on the links below to learn more:

  1. About the HiSET
  2. How is the HiSET scored?
  3. Contact Dr. Donnelly about HiSET lessons
  4. Read our HiSET Reviews
  5. Buy Best-selling Prep Books
  6. HiSET Exams by Subject
    1. HiSET Language Arts Reading Exam
    2. HiSET Language Arts Writing Exam
    3. HiSET Mathematical Reasoning Exam
    4. HiSET Science Exam
    5. HiSET Social Studies Exam